Private Equity
Traditional equity and bond portfolios can no longer solely be relied on as asset protection. We are certain that the negative correlation between equity and bond prices is broken and the concept of diversification needs to be adjusted. Consequently, our solution is to broaden the concept of diversification and include private equity into the asset allocation as it lowers the portfolio correlation to stock markets. Private equity investments strengthen portfolio returns in times of turbulent equity markets and ultimately preserve capital.
Besides reducing risks, private equity investments have the benefit of adding substantial upside potential to a portfolio. Investors receive a premium due to the illiquidity of these investments. We devote our time and expertise to identifying such opportunities and achieving risk-adjusted and market-uncorrelated returns for our clients.
Each of the investment managers we work with is selected and distinguished by their expertise and exceptional performance in their field. We have been investing in private equity for decades and can thus offer our clients exclusive access to selected and unique global investment opportunities. For direct investments, we focus on the life sciences and healthcare, cutting-edge technology and software, food technology, sustainable construction and energy sectors.
Traditional equity and bond portfolios can no longer solely be relied on as asset protection. We are certain that the negative correlation between equity and bond prices is broken and the concept of diversification needs to be adjusted. Consequently, our solution is to broaden the concept of diversification and include private equity into the asset allocation as it lowers the portfolio correlation to stock markets. Private equity investments strengthen portfolio returns in times of turbulent equity markets and ultimately preserve capital.
Besides reducing risks, private equity investments have the benefit of adding substantial upside potential to a portfolio. Investors receive a premium due to the illiquidity of these investments. We devote our time and expertise to identifying such opportunities and achieving risk-adjusted and market-uncorrelated returns for our clients.
Each of the investment managers we work with is selected and distinguished by their expertise and exceptional performance in their field. We have been investing in private equity for decades and can thus offer our clients exclusive access to selected and unique global investment opportunities. For direct investments, we focus on the life sciences and healthcare, cutting-edge technology and software, food technology, sustainable construction and energy sectors.